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  • T. John Kovack

The Lifetime Challenge

Updated: Mar 13, 2019

There comes a time in everyone's life where they are met with a life-altering experience. A time where everything just stops and time freezes still. A time where they feel like all hope is lost and the world is coming crashing down on you. A time where God enters the picture and plays an important role in your life.

I'm not talking about a death. I'm not talking about a bad review from your boss or a bad grade on a paper. I'm not talking about breaking your arm or having a break-up (sadly I've had plenty of those). I'm talking something bigger, because I think most everyone faces that one big challenge.

I'm one of those people where I feel like everything happens for a reason. Every challenge, every problem, every crisis and every life-altering event that happens to you has a purpose.

Yup, you guessed it....I'm going through that now.

But I feel like I'm not alone. Everyone goes through this once in their lifetime. It may be more serious than my situation or not as serious....and for some there may be more than one....but there's always that one time where a panic unlike any other fills your body.

This is my time. I took life for granted and thought everything was so easy, and now I'm realizing, it definitely is not. I'm in the fight of my life and am experiencing things I've never thought possible. Scary thoughts, scary nightmares, scary moments, scary conversations.

So what is the purpose and reason for this? One of the reasons I think I'm going through what I'm going through is because of God. Over the last few years, I lost my faith. Going to church on a weekly basis was replaced with me going only on special occasions. I would rather work on Yearbook Sunday mornings than go to church. Believing in Jesus became something I doubted. I wasn't sure heaven was even a thing anymore. My family would always go to church every week, and I skipped.

However, over the last four months, I've become more and more convinced God is real and I'm hoping he can get me through this. After all, I know deep down the person I am, and the people who know me most know the person I am. I know God can get me through this and help get me back on track and hopefully bring my friends and the ones I love most back to me.

Whatever your challenge is, accept the fact that everyone goes through it. You just have to keep your faith and be convinced that it will get better in the end. And be patient. Everything will be okay.

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