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  • T. John Kovack

Sorry're no MJ

There's this ongoing debate about who is the best player of all-time....Lebron James or Michael Jordan. And it's debatable. Me personally, give me MJ. 6-0 in the NBA Finals. Played in a tough conference that didn't guarantee him a trip to the NBA Finals every year, unlike LeBron. Didn't need to recruit other all-Stars to play with him. In other words, instead of wanting to be with the best like LJ, he wanted to beat the best.

But this goes beyond that. MJ was just a better person in general. He showed more class. He wasn't controversial. He was a true leader. He was the kind of teammate you wanted. Sorry LeBron, but you're the kind of guy everyone hated in school. If you know who Patrick Reed is in golf, that's LeBron James. His head is bigger than his game.

Now yeah, MJ may not have been the best role model when it came to his night life. He wasn't exactly faithful to his wife, he got involved in a lot of gambling issues (I saw him at Caesar's Palace personally betting millions) and he was a bit of a drinker. But he knew how to handle himself when it mattered.

You never heard MJ proclaim himself as the best like LeBron did. He didn't have to say "After I won that title, I became the best that ever played." That's not what you called being the best, that's what you call being an egotistical a-hole.

You never saw him berate his teammates on the court and have players request to be traded away from him because he had leadership problems.

You never saw MJ disrespect a President of the United States calling him every name in the book. And sorry, I don't mean to bring up politics and I'm not the biggest Trump fan, but no matter who the President is, you show respect. See Tiger Woods for an example of that. I was no fan of Obama but I still respected the heck out of him. And same goes for GWB.

MJ was classy. He didn't have to brag to others about how great he was. He didn't have to beat his chest and stare down other players. He didn't have to whine and complain when he felt like he was being targeted. He kept his head up high.

In other words, Michael Jordan let his play on the court do the talking.

And when we are talking about the greatest ever, in my book, that needs to be taken into account. Michael Jordan is still the greatest player to ever play the game.

End of story.

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